My phone has been terrible lately. Truly terrible. This morning I woke up and it wouldn't let me go to that phone. The screen would turn white and then go to the main page. So, I turned it off. When it came back I had no contacts. NONE.
Then minutes some of them magically returned. When i got home I decided to restore my iphone. Apparently, my recent back ups were corrupt. So, I had to use a backup from 2011. OH MY at the pictures on my phone from 2011!! I have spent a good portion of today looking at old pictures and videos of Lane and Bethany. So, I thought I would share some of the contents of my 2011 iphone. :)
They see me rollin'...they hatin'
Bless her little hairs.
Pretty sure this was after a party at church. We still have those glasses and lei.
Bethany saw a life size Mickey at Costco and had a MAJOR celebrity freak-out!
Look at Lane's little baby face!
...apparently I only took Lane's picture when he was strapped in a car seat. Probably because he was 2 or 3 and that was the only time he was still long enough to take his picture. That's what I shall tell myself! :)