Once the "summer" was over and I was no longer watching sweet Jackson and Carson, Lane and I decided to do EVERYTHING in Birmingham. For over a week we left the house everyday. Our first day by ourselves we went to the
McWane Center with Gigi and Papa Rock. The
McWane center is an awesome hands-on museum and was much bigger than I realized! The main floor was mostly for bigger kids, but there was one area for his age. Some of his favorite parts of this area was the submarine, sandbox, water table, and an area he could climb up tunnels to different landings (kind-of like a big McDonald's playground).
Driving the submarine.

The McWane Center had two water tables. Lane preferred the much smaller table. Here are two pictures of him splashing! He started out fairly calm...

Then he went nuts! This particular table had a piece of glass
separating the two sides. I had to move to the opposite side to take some pictures...He had a blast!

The top floor was perfect for Lane's age. This floor was the "Itty Bitty Magic City." It had huge foam blocks, a dress up areas, putt-putt golf, a coal mine, a grocery store, and all sorts of trucks and cars to climb. It was awesome! You can see foam blocks in the picture. Lane loved crawling through the tunnels and over the cubes!

Driving is serious business.

Playing with Gigi in the delivery truck.

The bottom floor has a tiny but fantastic aquarium. Lane loved seeing all the fish and the huge eel! Seriously, look at that eel! It was a beast!

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