On May 13th, Lane's Birthday, I was still in the hospital. I can't lie, I was really bummed that I was not able to be with Lane all day long to spoil him. That's what birthday's are all about, right? Cake for breakfast, fun outings, favorite foods for dinner, more cake and presents...Well, since I was not able to take Lane out for a day of spoiling, Gigi, Papa Rock and Chris did! They went to the zoo and played on the splash pad.
While they were out, I played with my beautiful baby girl. Look at those eyes!

Mrs. Aimee came by that afternoon for a visit too.

After nap time, Gigi and Papa Rock brought Lane up to the hospital. He truly loves his little sister!

Lane is giving Bethany Claire lots of sugar!

We celebrated Lane's birthday early, but I wanted to make sure he had something to open on his birthday. So, we got him several Yo Gabba Gabba dvd's and a water table. We also got his a couple of bags of M & M's. For some reason, the boy does not like cake, but he LOVES his M&Ms! Yummy!

Lane playing in Bethany's car seat.

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy! We love you so much!