After Christmas, Lane was momma's big helper! He was digging through one of the boxes I was packing and found an old Santa hat. He wanted to put it on, so of course I helped! Is he not the cutest little helper ever!!

One of Lane's favorite activities is feeding the ducks at the lake near Gigi and Papa Rock's house. The ducks know Lane and come running as soon as he starts yelling "
Duuuu!!" :D In case you were wondering, ducks love Cheerios!

In February, we got a good bit of snow. Last year Lane had a ball playing in the snow. This year he could care less! This is Lane and his buddy, Miller, trying to break back into the house!

Lane is by far the funniest kid I have ever known!! One day, Chris and I decided to take him to our favorite park. Lane wanted to swing, so we put him in and started pushing. Shortly after he got into the swing, he looked like he had fallen asleep. I asked Chris if he thought Lane was asleep and then took these next two pictures. Then out of know where, Lane's head popped up and he yelled out "
HAAA!" Chris and I died laughing!! Lane pulled off his first joke! :D

silly boy!

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