1. The Jesus Storybook Bible - We first bought this Bible because it was the one used by our church and we have absolutely loved it!
2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Eric Carle - When Lane was little EVERYONE in our family (Grandparents included) could say every word with out looking. IF we were driving down the road and he started crying, I could calm him just by "reading" this while driving.
3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. - Another classic that both kids loved!
5. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
6. Hooray for Fish! by Lucy Cousins Another bright, bold, colorful book!
7. Llama, Llama series Lane loves this series right now!

8.Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus - Another favorite series for Lane. Bethany could care less about these books though.
9. Froggy eats out - This is Bethany's current favorite book but she likes the other books in this series too!
10. Dr. Suess ABC - Bethany loves almost anything by Dr. Suess. Lane really has never gotten into these books. Crazy, right?
11. If you're Happy and you know It Jungle Edition by James Warhola - this book is TOO MUCH FUN!
12. You are My I LOVE YOU by Maryann K Cusimano - LOVE this sweet book!
I'm sure I'm missing some more amazing books, but these are the one's that popped in my mind first! What are your favorite children's books? I am always on the lookout for new, wonderful books!
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