He ran to the table and found all his little presents wrapped in superhero paper!

Then, he and Chris spent a good bit of time launching catapults and driving remote control cars.
For his birthday breakfast, I offered to fix ANYTHING he wanted but he chose a frozen waffle. So, we stuck a candle in the waffle and sang Happy Birthday!
Then, it was time to quickly hurry and get ready for school. Lane was so excited to take his special snack to school. What did he want...cake? cupcakes? nope, plain sugar cookies with NO sprinkles or icing. (he was very clear about that!) So, that's what we did! Mom found some really cute cookies that had birthday pictures (They were just like the holiday cookies you bake with a flag, a snowman, a heart, etc) I had never seen them before! So we had those and true plain sugar cookies. Gigi came and surprised Lane at school during his special snack. Lane was thrilled! [On a side note, Bethany came with me to Lane's classroom and she had a blast. She sat like such a big girl at the table with him. She was SO PROUD to be at school! She even jumped in on a couple of class pictures!]
Sweet friends!
and Bethany :)
...and one with Mrs. Kay, the best 4K teacher ever! Lane absolutely adores her!
After school we took Lane to Treetop Family Adventure. We had never been out there before. Lane and Bethany had a blast playing in the playground, bowling and
...."playing" miniature golf. Lane is in desperate need for his Papaw to come teach him how to golf. He has quite the unusual technique for hitting the golf ball!
We spent a VERY long time on this hole. It had four levels. The kids had a blast taking turns dropping the ball in the hole and watching where it would roll out on the next level.
After Treetop, Lane chose where he wanted to eat for his birthday dinner. He chose Don Pepe. Can you tell we like Mexican food just a little bit!
Overall, it was a wonderful day spent celebrating my sweet boy! We love you Lane!
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