Everyday Bethany Claire cracks me up, like I literally laugh out loud at the child. She says the craziest things. Sometimes I share what she says on twitter. Sometimes you just need to see the way her eyes light up or hear the sweet tone or giggle in her voice.
Yesterday she came running up to me as proud as she could be and declared "I have my busters on!!" After asking a couple of different questions to figure out what she was talking about I asked her to show me. She pointed to her feet. She had her "slippers" on.
She calls every bug a spider. This morning, I was driving down Valleydale and one of the billboards had a ladybug. It she started yelling "SPIDER! SPIDER! We have to be VERY careful!"
She blends words. Instead of saying "little bit" or "just a minute". She says she wants to do things for a "little minute."
If a toy is lost it's a BIG mystery! Once she finds the toy, it becomes her treasure.
Somehow, Chris and I started talking about all the little things Bethany says everyday. I mentioned that I don't remember Lane saying such funny things at this age. Which is really odd because Lane is such a funny kid.
Then it hit me.
Lane didn't say things like this because when he was Bethany's age he was basically nonverbal. He could say a couple of words, but almost everything was single syllables. He called me "Ma" for the longest time. In fact when Lane was Bethany's age right now we were doing Speech therapy with the ARC and testing him trying to get him in to the Hoover school's preschool program for early intervention. That year was full of prayers over sweet Lane. It was full of frustration for me. That was such a helpless time - not knowing how to help your child.
Earlier that same year Bethany got a bad report from the pediatrician. He spotted something wrong with her eyes. We were referred to another Dr. If it was confirmed, best case she would have to have surgery and glasses, worst case she would be blind. Again the prayers of so many that covered my sweet baby.
Fast forward two years.
Bethany eyes are perfect. She never needed surgery or glasses. Lane is talking very well. Actually, he talks almost constantly.
So, what's my point? Our God is a good and faithful God. He answers prayers for us constantly. He loves my kids and is concerned for them far more than I do - I can't even comprehend a love deeper than I have for them but I KNOW He loves them more.
I don't know about you, but it is SO easy for me to get busy doing life and before I realize it I've forgotten about all the times God has come to my rescue. My prayer this week has been that I would remember all the times the Lord has been so good and faithful to me.
I read Psalm 145 today and absolutely loved every bit of it. He can never be praised enough!
So, if you're struggling or heavy burdened right now. I challenge you think about the times God has proven himself faithful in your life. If you're like me, it won't take long to think of several times God has shown up! Remembering those moments and all God's promises encourage me to boldly approach the Lord with any situation. Never forget He cares about what's on your heart and He loves you more than you know.
Ps 145 MSG:
I'll bless you every day, and keep it up from now to eternity. God is magnificent; he can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to his greatness. Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts. Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking; I compose songs on your wonders. Your marvelous doings are headline news; I could write a book full of the details of your greatness. The fame of your goodness spreads across the country; your righteousness is on everyone's lips. God is all mercy and grace— not quick to anger, is rich in love. God is good to one and all; everything he does is suffused with grace. Creation and creatures applaud you, God; your holy people bless you. They talk about the glories of your rule, they exclaim over your splendor, Letting the world know of your power for good, the lavish splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is a kingdom eternal; you never get voted out of office. God always does what he says, and is gracious in everything he does. God gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. All eyes are on you, expectant; you give them their meals on time. Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right— the trademark on all his works is love. God's there, listening for all who pray, for all who pray and mean it. He does what's best for those who fear him— hears them call out, and saves them. God sticks by all who love him, but it's all over for those who don't. My mouth is filled with God's praise. Let everything living bless him, bless his holy name from now to eternity!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Kid's Crafts
Lane and Bethany LOVE crafting and painting. I thought I would share three crafts I found on pinterest that they have done and loved!
The first pinterest craft we did was this canvas for Lane's room. I got the idea a couple of years ago from Attack of the twins It was too easy! I already had a spare canvas. We did not have finger paint so we just used normal paint and paintbrushes.
Around Valentines Day, we tried this project. (The pin didn't go to a blog so I can't give credit to anyone.) But I found ice cube trays in the dollar section at target that were perfect for this project!
We have A TON of crayons at our house, so I gathered up all the broken crayons and Lane and I placed them in the ice cube trays. Bake the crayons at 230 degrees for 15 minutes.
Lane was not a fan of making multi-color crayons like the picture. So he sorted the crayons by color. After making these we learned that the crayola brand crayons worked great. The off brand crayons were horrible! So, don't use the cheapy crayons. Notice on the picture below some of the crayons look two-toned. The lighter half of the crayons (the off brand) don't work.
Finally, my very favorite pinterest craft project! This idea came from Alphamom and it was too neat not to try! Basically grab some sandpaper and color away. Then flip the sandpaper over onto a white t-shirt, iron, and voila your drawing transfers to the t-shirt! SO. MUCH. FUN! We did this project with Lane's 4k class during one of their holiday parties. Make sure to tell your kids color very very heavy or just go over your kids drawing when they are finished! And tell your kids NOT to sign their name on the sandpaper, because when you iron it on the shirt their name will be backwards!
The first pinterest craft we did was this canvas for Lane's room. I got the idea a couple of years ago from Attack of the twins It was too easy! I already had a spare canvas. We did not have finger paint so we just used normal paint and paintbrushes.
We have A TON of crayons at our house, so I gathered up all the broken crayons and Lane and I placed them in the ice cube trays. Bake the crayons at 230 degrees for 15 minutes.
Lane was not a fan of making multi-color crayons like the picture. So he sorted the crayons by color. After making these we learned that the crayola brand crayons worked great. The off brand crayons were horrible! So, don't use the cheapy crayons. Notice on the picture below some of the crayons look two-toned. The lighter half of the crayons (the off brand) don't work.
Dollar Tree fun
About two weeks ago, Memaw and Pawpaw sent Lane and Bethany a card in the mail with $10 each to spend at Dollar Tree. 10 DOLLARS! That like $100 in their world! Needless to say they had a BLAST picking out 10 things each at the store.
We had to do a little persuading with Bethany. At on point she had a rather large planter in her basket. Haha!
Look how focused Lane was checking out. This is such serious business!
We came home and immediately spread everything out! Lane picked out some very neat things! He ended up with a butterfly net, silly string, silly glasses with a mustache, water balloons, a paintable piggybank, 3 decks of cards, a giant bubble want, prank toothpaste, grow-an-animal tablets, and a hula hoop!
Have you tried lately to take a picture of a 2 year old???
We had to do a little persuading with Bethany. At on point she had a rather large planter in her basket. Haha!
Look how focused Lane was checking out. This is such serious business!
We came home and immediately spread everything out! Lane picked out some very neat things! He ended up with a butterfly net, silly string, silly glasses with a mustache, water balloons, a paintable piggybank, 3 decks of cards, a giant bubble want, prank toothpaste, grow-an-animal tablets, and a hula hoop!
Have you tried lately to take a picture of a 2 year old???
"B look at me and smile"
"B look at me though!"
"B, where's mommy?"
Haha, finally got her looking at me!
She ended up with a lot of fun things too! She got a Blues Clues books, butterfly net, ball, giant bubble wand, clappy hand thing, Hot Air Balloon stain glass paint thing, 3 decks of cards, and 3 giant books of stickers! She wasted no time on playing with the stickers!
Lane and Chris enjoyed the silly glasses. Then we went outside to play with the silly string and bubbles!
Thank you so much Memaw and Papaw! They loved the receiving their very own mail and picking out 10 prizes! Wish you were here to play with us! We love you both!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Favorite Children's books
One of my favorite blogs to read is Kelly's Korner. I'm not really sure how I stumbled on her blog, but I have read it for years! I'm certain we would be good friends if we lived in the same state! haha! Her youngest girl Hollis and Bethany seem like two peas in a pod. Anyway, today she is talking about children's books and that is one thing we LOVE at our house! So here are the some of the books that we have read at least 654,812,168 times.
1. The Jesus Storybook Bible - We first bought this Bible because it was the one used by our church and we have absolutely loved it!
2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Eric Carle - When Lane was little EVERYONE in our family (Grandparents included) could say every word with out looking. IF we were driving down the road and he started crying, I could calm him just by "reading" this while driving.
3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. - Another classic that both kids loved!
4. The Deep Blue Sea by Audrey Wood - Great book about colors with simple, bold pictures. (Our book has completely fallen apart from all the love!)
5. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
6. Hooray for Fish! by Lucy Cousins Another bright, bold, colorful book!
7. Llama, Llama series Lane loves this series right now!
8.Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus - Another favorite series for Lane. Bethany could care less about these books though.
9. Froggy eats out - This is Bethany's current favorite book but she likes the other books in this series too!
10. Dr. Suess ABC - Bethany loves almost anything by Dr. Suess. Lane really has never gotten into these books. Crazy, right?
12. You are My I LOVE YOU by Maryann K Cusimano - LOVE this sweet book!
I'm sure I'm missing some more amazing books, but these are the one's that popped in my mind first! What are your favorite children's books? I am always on the lookout for new, wonderful books!
1. The Jesus Storybook Bible - We first bought this Bible because it was the one used by our church and we have absolutely loved it!
2. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? Eric Carle - When Lane was little EVERYONE in our family (Grandparents included) could say every word with out looking. IF we were driving down the road and he started crying, I could calm him just by "reading" this while driving.
3. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. - Another classic that both kids loved!
5. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
6. Hooray for Fish! by Lucy Cousins Another bright, bold, colorful book!
7. Llama, Llama series Lane loves this series right now!

8.Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus - Another favorite series for Lane. Bethany could care less about these books though.
9. Froggy eats out - This is Bethany's current favorite book but she likes the other books in this series too!
10. Dr. Suess ABC - Bethany loves almost anything by Dr. Suess. Lane really has never gotten into these books. Crazy, right?
11. If you're Happy and you know It Jungle Edition by James Warhola - this book is TOO MUCH FUN!
12. You are My I LOVE YOU by Maryann K Cusimano - LOVE this sweet book!
I'm sure I'm missing some more amazing books, but these are the one's that popped in my mind first! What are your favorite children's books? I am always on the lookout for new, wonderful books!
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