Monday, April 26, 2010

Christmas in Monroeville

This year, we spent several days in Monroeville right before Christmas. As we are packing everything to go out of town, I typically pile everything on and by our big tan chair so that nothing is left behind. As Chris and I were scurrying around getting the last minute things together, the house grew strangely quiet. Anyone with a child knows that is NOT a good thing. So, I went to check on Lane. This is how we found him! He was apparently ready to go see Nana, Grandpa, and Aunt Sarah!

This year, we learned how crazy toy manufacturers make it to open a kids toy!! We always knew it was difficult, but this year it was much more difficult. As soon as Lane opened a present, he wanted to play with it! So, momma starts out opening the toy....
Out of the cardboard box, now daddy gets to unwrap all the plastic twist ties from the wheels! Seriously?? We did manage to get Lane to open another present while we worked to free the truck.
Waiting on Nana to open the puzzle. Daddy is still working on the truck. :)
The truck is free!!! It took a good 30 minutes before Lane would consider opening another present. He was quite happy with his truck!

Once we started back opening presents, he loved his cookie monster!

so many buttons!
Ah the VeggieTale Christmas movie that we still watch multiple times a week. There is nothing like Christmas in April!! He still dances and bounces like the first time he watched this movie!
Trying to open more Christmas DVDs.
Sitting in the middle of his loot. Such a spoiled boy and LOVING every minute! Thanks Nana, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah!!
One morning, Lane woke up and was talking but Chris never budged. I thought this was hysterical, so instead of getting up with Lane I took pictures of him trying to wake Chris up! Here he is trying to swing his blanket out to land on Chris...
That didn't work. (notice the blanket on the mattress) So, he squatted down and started screaming "Daaaaaaa!" and banging on the side of the pack n'play! That was too much for me. I couldn't control my laughter, so we got up. I wish I had videotaped this!
One evening we took Lane to see the Christmas lights. I wasn't sure how much he would be able to see from his car seat, but he seemed to love it!
It's hard to tell, but Lane is pointing at all the lights.

November Trip to Houston

In November, Lane and I went to Houston with GiGi and Papa Rock to visit family. This is a long trip, ESPECIALLY for a baby. We stopped several times at rest areas with playgrounds. We also played a lot of games in the car to keep him entertained...

Lane and Momma Bear enjoying the ride.
Playing peek-a-book under his jacket.

While we were in Houston, we took Lane to the Hands-On Museum. He had a blast!


Instead of a sand table, they had an oatmeal table.
We also visited the Houston Zoo. Here he is sitting in an Eagle's nest.
I see you Papa Rock!!
Petting a stone fox
In the actual petting zoo area...hahaha!
a REAL elephant!
Mommy teaching Lane what elephants say, "Rooollllll Tide Roll!"
The zoo had a little aquarium. This was a cool tunnel that allowed you to crawl through the aquarium. Lane LOVED being in the middle of all the fish!

Somehow, I did not manage to get a single picture with family!!! Pitiful! So, Houston family watch out, next time we see you there will be a photo shoot! :D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Random October pictures

Here are some silly pics of Lane. Enjoy!

What you talkin' bout Willis? (No idea what was happening, but I love his facial expression!!)
New favorite hiding place...

He has gotten so good at throwing the ball!
One of his favorite games is hide and seek! He found me!!
Here I am!!!

Trick or Treat!

This year we took Lane trick-or-treating for the first time. Our friends, Terry and Shae have an annual Halloween party. Everyone gathers at their house for pizza, then we hit the streets! There were a ton of kids - 16 I think! Lane did not completely understand the trick-or-treat process, but he had a great time running around outside in the dark!

Old Baker Farm round two - October 23rd

We took our second trip to Old Baker Farm with some of my good friends from college, Mistie and Randy. Their little girl, Charis, is just a few months younger than Lane. This time we took Lane in normal clothes hoping to get some good pictures of him at the pumpkin patch.

Oooh, this is a pretty pumpkin...
I wonder what it tastes like?? :D

Lane and Daddy

Lane LOVED the geese! They would honk at him and he would scream back! I have a funny video of this somewhere. If I find it, I will post it is too cute!

Lane and Charis were checking out the cows.