Friday, March 29, 2013

Flashback Friday

My phone has been terrible lately. Truly terrible. This morning I woke up and it wouldn't let me go to that phone. The screen would turn white and then go to the main page. So, I turned it off. When it came back I had no contacts. NONE. 
 Then minutes some of them magically returned. When i got home I decided to restore my iphone. Apparently, my recent back ups were corrupt. So, I had to use a backup from 2011. OH MY at the pictures on my phone from 2011!!  I have spent a good portion of today looking at old pictures and videos of Lane and Bethany. So, I thought I would share some of the contents of my 2011 iphone. :)

They see me rollin'...they hatin'
Bless her little hairs. 

Pretty sure this was after a party at church. We still have those glasses and lei. 
Bethany played with the baby in the mirror for probably an hour one night at the beach. SO Precious!

Bethany saw a life size Mickey at Costco and had a MAJOR celebrity freak-out!

Look at Lane's little baby face!

...apparently I only took Lane's picture when he was strapped in a car seat. Probably because he was 2 or 3 and that was the only time he was still long enough to take his picture. That's what I shall tell myself! :)


Thursday, March 14, 2013

pinned it. made it. loved it.

So I love pinterest. I spend WAY too much time on this site. However I tell myself it's ok to spend so much time IF I actually make the recipes I pin. Then, it's more like I spend all this time researching, right? Of course! So I thought I would share some of the recipes that we have tried and loved.

Also, I recently joined Weight Watchers. I mentioned that to several friends and I quickly learned 1/2 of the women at Highlands are also doing WW. (slight exaggeration, but only slight) So, I'll try to share the PP for each recipe also. Keep in mind that whatever brand you use may change the points. Here is a breakfast recipe we have tried and loved. I'll post more favorite recipes soon!

Breakfast Omelet

I originally pinned this from Six in the Suburbs however it doesn't show up on their page anymore. So, I'll share how I make these now.

12 eggs
bell pepper
-Anything you would put in your omelet
English Muffin
  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Grease muffin pan with butter cooking spray
  3. crack one egg in each muffin spot & use your fork to scramble
  4. Add other diced ingredients (spinach, onion, bell pepper, bacon)
You could also add cheese. The only reason I didn't was to save points. Bake 15-20 minutes.
At this point you can wrap them up and put them in the freezer. When you want one, put the frozen egg in the microwave for about a minute. Throw your English muffin in the toaster and you have a quick, way better than McDonald's Egg McMuffin.

**Before making these, I was pretty worried about the reheating a frozen egg. Sounds pretty sketchy, right? We have made these several times and they taste great.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random iphone pics

I decided today was a great day to get a bunch of pictures off my phone. So here goes a very random post!

Lane almost never falls asleep in his bed. I've found him in some interesting and very uncomfortable positions lately.
Lane goes to preschool at a local Baptist church. They always do such a great job hosting fun events for the kids during holidays. This weekend they hosted a Easter egg hunt complete with inflatables, games, face paint, cookie decorating and other little snacks. The kids had a blast and were thrilled when Gigi and Bo surprised them by coming to play!
Woo Hoo!! Easter egg hunt day!!

Lane and his sweet friend Olivia!

Lane doing the bunny hop!

This game you were suppose to throw the ring around the bunny ears (like Lane is doing). Bethany had a more efficient way of ringing the bunny ears - just sit down and put the rings on the bunny ears!


Sunday afternoon we went to Gigi and Bo's house after church to celebrate Bo's birthday. The kids had a blast playing outside! We are SO READY for summer!

Last night Bethany did not want to go to sleep but she was SO tired. She let me rock her to sleep and I cherished the moment! She never really enjoyed being rocked as a baby. So this is a rare moment.