Saturday, January 19, 2013

1/2 truths and warm fuzzies

Well, according to this little blog absolutely nothing has happened in our family since August 2011! Yikes! So, here I go attempting the blog again. I really want to blog. I LOVE looking back at videos of the kids and remembering how little they were! But more importantly I feel like the Lord keeps bringing the blog back up. I've reminded him that I am TERRIBLE at keeping up with it (anyone else try to reason with God because clearly He hasn't thought an idea all the way out?)

I've been thinking about why it is so hard to keep blogging consistently (other than my need to edit and edit each post). I think it boils down to 1/2 truths. In the past I have NEVER blogged about tantrums or any of those parenting moments that leave me in a sweaty mess wondering why in the world the Lord thought I was capable of stewarding these precious children! I tend to only capture their precious, angelic moments. So we go through these rougher seasons and I get out of the habit of blogging.

Now I can already hear people saying " Why in the world would you want to blog about your kids temper tantrums!" Well, I don't want to! Just like I don't want my kids to actually misbehave in the first place...But I would love to remember what we did with Lane when He was going through some of the stages Bethany is currently going through. I don't know who, if anyone, reads what I write but I know it encourages me sometimes to know that other families aren't picture perfect either. Someone told me (or more likely I read it on pinterest) recently that the reason we are often so discouraged in our own situations is because we are comparing our behind the scenes to other peoples highlight reels. It's SO true! Every family has quirks, issues, strengths and weaknesses. If I'm going to blog, then I need to be authentic otherwise why waste my time with only warm fuzzies. 

So, I'm going to keep blogging about the kids, but I'm going to blog about other things too. It might be about something the Lord is teaching me or my new favorite pinterest recipe. Hopefully, it will be fairly consistent too.

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